DIY dragbiker won seven titles out of 19 class races in the championship Dragbike diperlombakan YSS TDR Comet Championship Series II 2010 in the circuit Maguwoharjo Sleman Stadium Complex, Sunday (7 / 3). Meanwhile, the king dragbike from Semarang, Eko Chodox, failed to achieve target 12 of the 14 class championships that follow.
Eko Chodox only managed to snatch two titles, namely in the class Ducks 3 No TU s / d and class 116cc Sport 2 No TU s / d 155cc. One class again who won the class Chodox Sport 2Tak Std s / d 150cc framework of the standard until this has not been decided the outcome because of protests from other racers.
Dragbiker who last week won eight titles from 11 classes participated in NeoMild VSC Dragbike Gondosuli Street was also fared less fortunate. In the most prestigious class, the class Matic s / d 350cc which the Series I in Jakarta won the series II, failed to be maintained after only ranked 5th. The most prestigious class was won Ayib Rosidi from Jakarta with a record time of 7.619 seconds.
Yet when an exhibition against the two nevertheless road race, Sigit PD and woolfmother Krisdianto, with the same motor Eko Chodox able to defeat both drivers through time by 7.5 seconds. Eko Chodox itself appears lethargic for failing to meet targets on race.
Unlike in previous championships, in the championship Dragbike yesterday there was nothing that is too racer dominates aka evenly split championship for the drivers from Yogyakarta, Central Java, East Java and Jakarta.
From DIY there are 7 dragbiker who won the championship, namely Deny Wel-Wel champion who won the Sport class 4T TU sss / d 200cc, VP Son Mboted class champion Ducks 2T Std s / d 116cc, Ivo Precil champion Ducks 4T TU s / dd 115cc beginner, Danang UJM OMR class champion Satria, Dadang Handaru Sport class champion 2T TU s / d 140cc, Sigit PD class champion Ducks 4T TU s / d 130cc Beginner, and Bowo Cheetah FFA champion 2T s / d 250cc.
In this region, Piaggio will also set up a new engine plant with a capacity
of 250,000 units per year as well as ...